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Fire | Rescue | EMS
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ANNOUNCEMENT: As of May 25th, the current NCFIP Facebook and Instagram accounts will be deleted. For the same great content, plus a bit more, you should follow Statewide Insurers Group, LLC on Facebook Instagram which will from here on out be referred to as Statewide Insurers Group and NCFIP.
When It Comes to Peace of Mind, You Have Choices.
Just as you answer the call, NCFIP stands ready to help protect you and your family!
We pride ourselves in helping Firefighters, EMS and Rescue personnel with quality Insurance products to help ease the burden when an emergency hits you and your family.
How Does Your Coverage Respond? Provident Provides
Lifetime Disability Benefits for Injuries
First Week Disability Benefit up to $1,000
5% Cost of Living Adjustment
Transition Benefit
Permanent Physical Impairment for Illnesses
Age Reductions for Heart Attacks & Impairments
Partial & Illness Disabilities Payable to Age 67
Critical Care Benefit
Bereavement Benefit
Final Expenses Benefit
Health Insurance Premium Benefit
Family Expense Benefit
25% Seat Belt Benefit
Airbag Benefit
Surviving Spouse Education Benefit
Dependent Child Education Benefit
Real Fire, Real Claim
How We Help Firefighters in Real Life Situations
Come See Us at These Upcoming Events
The South Atlantic FIRE RESCUE Expo
August 11-14, 2021 | Raleigh, NC

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